Reptiles & Amphibians Geckos

Tokay Gecko: Species Information

Characteristics, Housing, Diet, and Care

a closeup of the face of a tokay gecko
Max Paddler/Getty Images

Tokay geckos aren't as common as pet leopard geckos, but they are just as interesting as their cousins. As the second-largest type of gecko, they can grow to be 15 inches long, and they're known for their vibrant colors and spots. They're usually a blue-gray color with bright orange and blue spots.

These lizards do have a reputation for being somewhat aggressive and aren't recommended for beginners. But once you have their tank set up, their care needs are fairly straightforward.

Learn all about the tokay gecko’s temperament, diet, care needs, and more.

Species Overview

Common Name: Tokay gecko

Scientific Name: Gekko gecko

Adult Size: 15 inches long

Life Expectancy: 15 to 20 years on average

Tokay Gecko History

An arboreal species living in trees and on cliffs, tokay geckos are native to parts of Asia and some Pacific Islands. They're vocal animals, making a unique croaking noise that sounds like "To-kay! To-kay!" This is how they received their common name.

According to some myths, they're said to bring good luck. However, they're also unfortunately frequent targets of poachers in the wild, because they are used in some medicinal remedies. People will dry their bodies to be boiled into tonics or ground into powders that claim to treat various conditions, including asthma, diabetes, cancer, and more.

If you're looking for a captive-bred tokay gecko, first educate yourself about their needs.

Tokay Gecko Behavior and Temperament

Tokay geckos are nocturnal, meaning they're most active at night. During the day, your gecko will sleep in a head-down position. 

In the wild, these geckos are known to be highly territorial. Males, especially, will attack any animals, including other tokay geckos, that they perceive as a threat.

Tokays are excellent climbers and have relatively big heads compared to other geckos. They also have strong jaws and prehensile tails (tails capable of grasping onto things). And they're able to detach their tails to escape a predator.

Tokay geckos have a reputation for being pretty feisty, and they can deliver a painful bite. With regular interaction, they can become less aggressive, but they generally don't tolerate much handling. Thus, this is not a pet for the novice herpetologist or a home with young children. These geckos are clever and will bite if they feel threatened.

tokay gecko close-up

Westend61 / Getty Images

tokay gecko on tree limb

kuritafsheen / Getty Images

Housing the Tokay Gecko

Never house male tokay geckos together. And, unless they’re breeding, don’t house females and males together. It's also best not to house your gecko in your bedroom because their vocalizations might wake you up.

Because these are large geckos, a 20-gallon tank is the minimum size suitable for their housing. Provide sturdy branches, as your gecko will spend much of their time climbing. And add reptile-safe potted plants if you wish (artificial plants can also be used). Plus, provide some hiding spots using cork bark, half logs, or caves.

Be sure your tank has a secure lid. Tokay geckos are strong and might attempt to escape if the opportunity presents itself. This can lead to a dangerous situation both for the gecko and for anyone in your home if the gecko feels the need to defend themselves.

Housing Tips

Tokay geckos are best when housed alone.

Never house male tokay geckos together as they will likely fight.

Avoid housing your gecko in your bedroom as their vocalizations may keep you awake.


Aim for 80 to 90 F (27 to 32 C) during the day and 70 to 80 F (21 to 27 C) at night.

An incandescent bulb can be used for heat during the day. But a nocturnal reptile bulb or ceramic heat element must be used at night to mimic the day-night cycle.

Heat provided from above the tank is preferable over a heating pad because tokay geckos are climbers.


UVB-emitting bulbs generally are not necessary because tokay geckos are a nocturnal species, though some experts believe a low level of UV light can benefit their overall health. For example, this lighting can help the animal’s digestion and nervous system, help prevent your pet from getting sick, and help keep them happy.

Ensure your tokay’s basking branch is 8 to 10 inches below the light. Keep the light on for 12 hours each day. And expect to change the bulb regularly, such as every year or more often if needed based on the manufacturer’s instructions.

A red nighttime bulb will allow you to see your gecko at night when they're most active without interrupting the animal's natural day-night cycle.


Tokay geckos prefer a high humidity level of around 70%. Don't let it drop under 50%.

Maintain humidity through misting, a substrate that retains water, and a bowl of water. But also make sure the tank has good airflow because an environment that's too damp can lead to health issues.

Measure the humidity level with a digital hygrometer.


Substrate is the material that lines the bottom of your gecko’s tank. It helps to maintain humidity, and certain substrates can mimic the look and feel of a gecko’s natural environment.

Orchid bark or coconut husk-based substrate are good choices for their moisture-retaining qualities.

When the gecko is shedding, you can even use paper towels, which helps with cleanup. Select paper towels that have not been bleached and are free of ink designs.

Food and Water

Tokay geckos are usually voracious eaters and can be fed a variety of insect prey, including:

  • Crickets
  • Superworms
  • Mealworms
  • Waxworms
  • Grasshoppers
  • Cockroaches

No insects offered should be larger than your tokay gecko’s head. Large tokays might even be able to handle pinky mice.

Prey should be gut loaded (fed nutritious foods, which then pass to the gecko) and dusted with a vitamin supplement containing calcium.

Refer to this feeding schedule:

  • Juveniles - fed every 24 hours
  • Adults - fed every other day

Consult your veterinarian for how much to feed your gecko, based on their age and size.

As they would in the wild, tokay geckos often drink from the moisture droplets that land on the climbing branches in their enclosure from misting. But you should also include a shallow water dish on the bottom of the tank, so they always have a source of hydration.

Common Health and Behavior Problems

Tokay geckos are susceptible to a few health problems, such as:

  • Mouth rot: Like many lizard species, geckos are susceptible to mouth rot, or stomatitis. Symptoms include a reddish appearance around the mouth or a cheesy-looking ooze. Excess saliva can indicate a respiratory infection.
  • Parasitic infections: Tokay geckos are prone to parasitic infections on the skin, as well as internally. Internal parasites can cause sluggishness, changes in appetite, and unusual fecal deposits. A skin infection can look like a rash. And if your gecko is having difficulty shedding completely, this is another symptom of a skin problem. 

In terms of behavioral issues, tokay geckos aren't cuddly pets. Handle them carefully and only when necessary to prevent injury. When they bite, they are known to clamp down and not want to let go.

Choosing Your Tokay Gecko

If you feel you can handle the feisty temperament of a tokay gecko, choose a captive-bred animal from a reputable breeder or animal rescue that can tell you about the animal's origin and health. Expect to pay around $20 to $50.

Choose a gecko whose ribs and pelvic bones aren't visible. You also shouldn't see any bumps on the skin, which can indicate an infection or a broken bone. 

One way to determine whether a tokay gecko is healthy is to pick them up. A healthy gecko will dislike this and will vocalize or attempt to bite you, so be sure your hand is behind their head. If the gecko opens their mouth, they're getting ready to bite.

Similar Species to the Tokay Gecko

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Otherwise, check out other types of reptiles and amphibians that can be your new pet.

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  1. Providing a Home for a Reptile. Merck Veterinary Manual.

  2. Bacterial Diseases of Reptiles. Merck Veterinary Manual.

  3. Parasitic Diseases of Reptiles. Merck Veterinary Manual.