The Tatler guide to Durham University

The one for Harry Potter fans: castles, cobbles and a bit of magic

How to get in

Apply for sociology (then switch subjects).

Top subject

The archeology course is ranked No. 1 in the UK, with excavation jollies to sunny Spain and Oman.

Doss subject


Where you want to live

Any of the Bailey colleges (ie, the ones on the river), quaint little terraces that feel just like boarding-school houses. Hild Bede (St Hild and St Bede), Cuths (St Cuthbert's) and Hatfield (warning: numerous rugby boys here and you may have to share with one) are faves.

Where you don't

Anywhere on Cardiac Hill (yes, Durham has one too).

Where to drink

Everyone should do the 'Bailey crawl' of the college bars at least once.

Best night out

The popularity of Paradise Disco, a new Hawaiian-themed night at Wiff Waff (by day a ping-pong club underneath the city's Market Place) on a Monday has left Tuesday 9am lectures deserted. The sports socials on Wednesdays at Loveshack - Durham's biggest nightclub - are practically compulsory.

Celeb Alumni

Kate Silverton, Jeremy Vine, Andrew Strauss

Don't miss

The June Ball, at University College, informally known as Castle, and which is home to the best and brainiest. If you manage to bag an invite, you'll know you've made it.

Top tip

Lectures grind to a halt at lunchtime each Wednesday, so everyone can scamper off to do/cheer on sports.