Lil Kim

Lil Kim

Lil Kim is one of five covers released by Ebony magazine in celebration for Hip-Hop’s 50th anniversary. However, the Bedstuy, Brooklyn rap vet wasn’t too happy with the final “heavily retouched” cover, leading her to accuse the longstanding publication of “sabotage.”

Keith Major, the mag’s director of photography, countered Kim’s claims, as he revealed that the “Crush On You” rhymer actually took control of edits. Now, the Queen Bee has shared the original photo that she “approved,” although critics say there isn’t much difference between the two photos aside from a few coloring edits.

On Tuesday (Sept. 19), Ebony unveiled Kim’s cover on Instagram with the caption, “There will never be another like @lilkimthequeenbee — she still is and has always been ‘That Bi**h.'” Immediately, the comment section filled with admiration, but also backlash about the photoshopping of Kim’s face.

Catching wind of the commentary, Kim posted the cover to her IG Story with the overlaid text, “Who is this? Cuz that’s not the photo I approved or any other content they’ve put out.”However, the respected photographer begged to differ. Major responded to critics in Ebony’s comment section with, “Man, she wanted to be in control of the retouching so this is what we got.”

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