Kenyan sand boa

Gongylophis colubrinus

''Gongylophis colubrinus'', the Kenyan sand boa, is a boa species found in northern Africa. No subspecies are currently recognized.
Kenyan Sand Boa (Eryx colubrinus) Taken in July 2015, at the São Paulo Zoo, in Brazil. Known as Cobra-de-areia-africana, in Portuguese. Boidae,Brazil,Eryx,Eryx colubrinus,Geotagged,Gongylophis colubrinus,Kenyan Sand Boa,South America,Winter,boa,reptile,sand boa,serpent,snake


Adult specimens are rarely more than 91 cm in length. These snakes are heavily built with small heads, small eyes, and short tails. The color pattern may consist of a yellow or orange coloration overlaid with dark brown splotches. The belly is white or cream colored.They are readily available in the pet trade due to their small size, docility and ease of care. In recent years there have been a number of new morphs made available by both commercial and hobby breeders. Some of the more popular morphs available include anerythristic Kenyan sand boas , albino Kenyan sand boas , snow KSBs , stripes , hypo/ghost, anerythristic KSBs, paradox albinos , paradox snows , splash , paint and stripe combinations with any of the listed recessive traits. In addition many line bred traits have been accentuated on the above morphs, such as Nuclears , High Whites, Reduced Patterns as examples.


Egyptian sand boa, Kenyan sand boa, East African sand boa, sand boa.The subspecific name, ''loveridgei'', is in honor of British herpetologist Arthur Loveridge.


During the hotter times of the year, they seek refuge beneath stones and in the burrows of small mammals.


Occurs in semi-desert and scrub savannahs and rock outcroppings. Prefers sandy, friable soil.


Viviparous, they breed readily November through April in the United States delivering live birth averaging 10-20 babies born spring through late summer. The young at birth typically are 20–25 cm in length.


These snakes spend most of their time in shallow burrows with only their head exposed. They feed on small mammals that are quickly seized when passing within striking range and killed by constriction.


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SpeciesG. colubrinus
Photographed in