Sticky Frogs



Australian Green Tree Frogs
(Litoria caerulea)
- Gumby, Jens, Voigt and Tiny

Pobblebonk or Eastern Banjo Frogs
(Limnodynastes dumerilii)
- Bonk and Barry

Peron's Tree Frog
(Litoria peroni)
- Wanda

Blue Mountains Tree Frog
(Litoria citropa)
- Pants

Spotted Marsh Frog
(Limnodynastes tasmaniensis)
- Psycho


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Asian Painted Frog (Kaloula pulchra) is also known as the Chubby Frog (in the pet trade), Banded Bull Frog, Rice Frog, or Bubble Frog. on Flickr.

Via Flickr:
This frog is native to South East Asia, and usually lives on the forest floor, in rice fields, and even inside homes. These frogs are voracious eaters, and will eat flies, crickets, moths, grasshoppers, earthworms and more. Painted frogs hide under leaf litter during the day hours and eat in the evening.
Like many other narrow-mouthed frogs, painted frogs have the ability to expand themselves when threatened, and to secrete toxic glue-like substances from their bodies as a defense mechanism. They are also able to survive dry conditions by burying themselves in the ground and waiting for rain
source-calphotos database


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