Posted on June 1, 2012 with 43 notes.
Tagged with fire skink, skink, lizard, reptile, info, reptiles as pets, .

Fire Skinks (Riopa fernandi) are a Western African species of lizard. They can grow  to just over 1ft long (with males growing to a larger size than females). This species of skink is omnivorous, but eats primarily insects.

There are few successful clutches from wild caught animals, and this means there are few captive bred animals available. Though people have had clutches laid, there has been little success in incubating them, though with each clutch more is learnt about this species and the way it reproduces. One recent (successful) clutch was laid, incubated and hatched without the breeder knowing until looking in the enclosure and seeing the juveniles!

Photo © Henk Wallays

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