9 Side Effects of Red Bull


High consumption of caffeine can lead to difficulty in falling asleep.


High levels of caffeine in red bull can cause jitters as it leads to intense energy rush which makes a person feel a bit shaky.

Weight Gain

Sugar content in red bull is high so high consumption can cause weight gain and obesity.


Regularly drinking red bull can give frequent headaches if you skip it a day.

Damage Your Teeth

Red bull is acidic so consuming it regularly can cause damage to your tooth enamel.

Withdrawal Symptoms

You may feel nervous, shaky or experience a headache if you don’t get your caffeine intake.

Excess Sugar

The risk of type 2 diabetes may increase if red bull is consumed regularly.

Interrupts Neural Communication

Consuming an uncontrolled amount of glucose may lead to disrupted neural communication and it can also affect a person’s memory.

High-Risk Behaviour

When a person consumes red bull with alcohol, it may lead to changes in his behaviour.


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