Mademoiselle Maurice - Stunning Origami Art

May 8, 2014

There’s no person who did not, as a child, make a paper airplane using folded newspaper. Mademoiselle Maurice, French visual artist, introduces us to the limitless possibilities and applications that single piece of paper offers. The traditional Japanese paper folding technique provides the artist with the medium to create stunning street art installations.

paris video like city colorful make 2015
Mademoiselle Maurice

Japan - France

After one year of living in Japan, the artist has adopted in her artistic expression the traditional Japanese art of paper folding and moreover transferred it to another level. Mademoiselle Maurice creates ephemeral urban installations performed with hundreds of colorful origami glued on the walls of cities around the world.

Mademoiselle Maurice

Open Air Museum

She uses the street as an open-air museum to achieve in its wide, jointly shared space huge, ‘rainbowish’ origami installations that convey messages in which the man and nature are put in the foreground. Her stunning geometric creations have so far temporarily covered several urban surfaces throughout France, Italy, Vietnam and Hong Kong. In a spirit of friendly ephemeral installation, both for the environment and the street, Mademoiselle Maurice hand folds mostly recycled paper in a complex manner.

paris video like city colorful make 2015
Mademoiselle Maurice street art mademoisellemaurice

Folding Colors and Shapes

Light in appearance, the work of Mademoiselle Maurice proposes many questions about human nature and the interactions that sustain people and the environment. As in origami art of paper folding colors and shapes have symbolic value, the artist chooses the colors and creates forms that symbolize happiness, union, tolerance, and harmony. Mademoiselle Maurice’s origami rainbows are definitely a breath of fresh air.

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