The surprising health benefits of badminton

Badminton requires impressive feats of dynamism and flexibility
Badminton requires impressive feats of dynamism and flexibility

If you want to get into exercise, you needn’t stick on the Lycra and go for a jog or venture into your windowless gym at work. Instead, give badminton a go – not only does running after the floating shuttlecock bring joy, but it also has significant health benefits.

A recent study suggests badminton has a positive impact on your brain. The research, conducted by Tohoku Gakuin University in Japan, assessed the cognitive abilities of 20 participants after they had taken part in different forms of exercise. The researchers found that performance was boosted after participants played badminton and “complex sports” – but not after going on a treadmill. They concluded that badminton requires the player to make decisions and coordinate their movements, which has positive consequences. 

Yet this is not the only benefit of badminton – the fast-paced and (when played well) somewhat balletic game is more fun than other sports, according to former badminton World Champion, Gail Emms MBE. "No offence, running is good for you but it's boring," she says. "It's you and that road, or you and that treadmill. There's nothing more to it".

Badminton, on the other hand, is enjoyable. "It is actually fun," she says. "I've had so many people come up to me and – it's not just about getting fit – they've come to me and said, 'I've just remembered how fun badminton was,'" Emms says. "And it's not just about the exercise, it's about the social bit and joining the club and feeling part of something."

As well as these social advantages, the sport has a number of surprising health benefits.

Gail Emms won a silver medal for Britain during her badminton career
Gail Emms won a silver medal for Britain during her badminton career Credit: Getty

1. Good for your heart 

Badminton is beneficial because it increases the levels of “good” cholesterol (HDL) and decreases the levels of “bad” cholesterol. As the latter reduces the size of blood vessels, which can lead to heart attacks and strokes, a reduction in “bad” cholesterol can help protect your heart.

The British Heart Foundation specifically mentions the health benefits of badminton on its website. “Playing badminton regularly can help strengthen the heart muscle and limit the risk of blood vessels clogging, reducing your risk of CHD [Coronary Heart Disease].” 

They add that regular play is "great for keeping hearts healthy" as it reduces hypertension, and that the game’s “flexible pace” makes it suitable for those with heart conditions.

2. Reduces risk of osteoporosis

As you dash across the court, chasing the shuttlecock, you improve your body’s mobility. This could mean that you are less likely to develop osteoporosis, as physical activity is a major factor in protecting yourself against this condition. 

It is particularly useful to start badminton when you are a teenager, as a three-year observational study, from the Department of Public Health and Clinical Medicine at Umeå University in Sweden, showed that taking part in badminton caused gains in bone mass for adolescent male athletes. This strengthens the bones, thus potentially reducing the risk of osteoporosis in later life.

3. Helps you live longer

Two studies agree that the humble game of badminton could increase your life expectancy. The first, a Danish study called the Copenhagen City Heart Study, tracked the activity of 9,000 people for up to 25 years, and identified that those who played racket sports (including badminton) had a longer life expectancy of up to nine years. Tennis was the most successful, adding approximately 9.7 years to a player’s life, but badminton shortly followed, increasing a person’s life expectancy by approximately 6.2 years. 

More recently, an international study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine found that those who play racket sports tend to outlive joggers. The 2016 survey of more than 80,000 British men and women found there to be a 47pc reduction in mortality rate for those who play racket sports, as opposed to a 27pc reduction for those who take aerobic exercise. 

4. Physical fitness

With all of the running, lunging and jumping, badminton certainly gets the blood pumping. In fact, this cardiovascular exercise burns fat at approximately 450 calories per hour, according to

The British Heart Foundation also commends this sport as a good form of exercise. On their website, it says badminton “counts as a moderate-intensity activity, so it’s a great way to get some of your recommended minimum 150 minutes a week”. 

As it is so physically demanding, badminton could help you burn calories. Unlike tennis balls, shuttlecocks don’t bounce. This means that you need to keep them afloat – so they can reach pretty impressive heights. As such, you may need to jump at regular intervals – and these short bursts of intense exercise effectively make badminton a HIIT workout. In theory, therefore, badminton causes you to burn calories in a shorter space of time. 

5. Reduces risk of diabetes

According to a 2005 study in Sweden, you are 30-50 per cent less likely to develop Type 2 diabetes if you are active. The research assessed the effects of a structured diet and exercise on Swedish men, aged between 46 and 49, who were on the baseline of being diabetic. After five years of incorporating two 45-to-60 minute sessions of activity (including badminton, but also jogging and football) per week, more than half (54 per cent) of the men with diabetes at baseline no longer had the glucose levels diagnostic for the disorder. 

Researchers therefore concluded that “regular physical activity can prevent or postpone the onset of Type 2 diabetes”.   

6. Improves flexibility and muscle tone 

A number of sites claim that badminton improves a player’s flexibility and muscle tone. While there is no research to back this up, it would certainly make sense: the game involves a lot of reaching above your head and stretching, which undoubtedly improves your flexibility.

The game engages a lot of core muscles, too. "You have to twist. The shuttle flies in every trajectory possible," says Emms, "so it's up, down, twisting behind you, in front of you". 

This means you could build muscle in your glutes, calves and hamstrings, from all of the bending, stretching and running around the court. You also engage your core, arm and back muscles during the game. 

7. Mental health benefits

As an active sport, badminton brings psychological benefits. According to the 2011 report from the UK government, “Start Active, Stay Active”, daily exercise can lower your risk of depression or dementia by between 20 and 30 per cent. 

This makes sense, given the endorphin rush, but we must also not underestimate the social benefit of a game like badminton. The game, which you can play in singles or doubles, encourages social engagement (and healthy competition), which can bring mental health benefits, including reducing stress and loneliness.  

"With badminton you have to be social," Emms says. "When you play against someone you can chat, you can talk, you can be feisty or you can be in a mood and not talk to anyone as well. Basically, whatever mood you're in, you can take that out in your badminton court." Once you find your badminton club, she adds, you've got "friends for life". 

The social aspect is particularly important for older players, to combat any feelings of loneliness. "You can play at any age," Emms says, "and I think that's reassuring – that you can be part of a sport, even when you're older." 

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