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Dwayne Johnson’s description of Rampage is a beautiful piece of art

There will be licking ... maybe

Bally Midway

Dwayne Johnson’s upcoming adaptation of the 1986 arcade game, Rampage, is actually happening and the actor has provided the best summary of what the movie is about.

Johnson posted the detailed and lengthy summary on his Instagram account. Ultimately, the movie is about three angry, genetically modified animals — a gorilla, an alligator and a wolf — but the actor said Rampage will have more emotional depth than that. One can only assume the movie will have a bit more plot than the original arcade game did, in which players took control of the three monsters and wrecked a city full of buildings to progress to the next level.

“I head up an anti-poaching unit out of Rwanda,” Johnson wrote. “My best friend is a rare albino gorilla named, George. Very bad people infect George, an alligator and a wolf with a serum. All three animals grow at an unprecedented rate. Their size, speed, agility and violent aggression is off the charts. They go on a deadly rampage and want to destroy the world.”

Johnson even managed to get a little philosophical in the post, noting that animals don’t kill people who are kind and loving toward them. If an animal feels secure, comfortable and happy, they’ll give a little lick of affection to prove it, Johnson said.

“George not happy,” Johnson wrote. “Me not happy. When animals like you, they lick you. When they don’t like you, they kill you. I will hunt down the bad people that did this to my best friend.

“And when I find them, I will not lick them.”

The full Instagram post can be read in the photo above. Rampage will be released on April 20, 2018. Johnson’s next big movie, Baywatch, will be released on May 25.

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