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Lewisia cotyledon blooming at Sherman Gardens
Lewisia cotyledon blooming at Sherman Gardens

If you were going to grow a California native that blooms with abandon, you could always try Lewisia.

It is one of my favorite succulent plants, found in the wild on the highest north-facing cliffs in the West. The danger for me is that Lewisia cotyledon is highly collectible, with hybrids available in every color you can imagine.

Lewisia cotyledon is an alpine plant, but don’t let that scare you off. Alpines are tolerant of harsh conditions, hugging the rocks to stay warm and preserve moisture, and blooming like crazy in places where summers are short.

In the lowlands, Lewisia happily blooms on and off all year.

“Lewisias are very showy plants,” said John Bishop, horticulturist for Sherman Library & Gardens in Newport Beach.

“Here, we treat them as annuals,” he said, letting them do their thing until midsummer, then replacing them when they are done for the year.

But you don’t have to. These succulent perennials can live for ages, given the right conditions. Water, soil and location are keys to succeeding with Lewisia.

Beginning with water, remember these plants hail from harsh mountaintops. You will want to water regularly, but that water needs to pass through the pot as quickly as possible.

And regularly doesn’t mean wet. Lewisias easily rot if they are overwatered.

“Watch the weather,” Bishop said. “Let the pots dry out slightly before you water again.”

Planting in deep clay pots is best, since these plants are tap-rooted in maturity – meaning the roots are carrot-like.

“Don’t break up the roots when you transplant,” Bishop said.

You can make your own fast-draining potting soil by adding pumice and perlite to your potting mix. Bishop throws in a pinch of Osmocote 14-14-14.

“We grow Lewisias in full sun along the coast,” he said. Inland, morning sun and afternoon shade protect the succulent leaves from sunburn.

Lewisia cotyledon is difficult to start from seed, so look for plants at nurseries that carry Monrovia and Native Sons, or shop online at

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