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Arcuate uterus

3 replies

Welshgirl1991 · 10/01/2022 19:21

Gynaecologist confirmed today that I have an arcuate uterus. (As apposed to potentially having 2 completely separate uteruses). I was so relieved.

Anyone else with the same shape have any success stories with regards to pregnancy and having this shape uterus? Hoping to start trying for a family after our wedding in April 🤞🤞❤️

Arcuate uterus
OP posts:
Bumble9193 · 10/01/2022 19:28

I don’t have an arcuate uterus but I do have a septate uterus so I thought it would never happen for me after having a miscarriage in 2019 but I gave birth to a baby boy in October without any complications! A quick look on Google says that it is the most mild form of uterine anomaly and that it shouldn’t have any effect on pregnancy so that definitely sounds promising! I know how hard it can be to be told your uterus isn’t the normal shape you would want it to be!

IDontLikeMondays88 · 10/01/2022 19:32

I think I have acurate. I was I initially told I had a septated uterus but I got a second opinion who said it wasn’t as severe as that - they pointed out the dip at the top and said my uterus was a slightly funny shape but not septated and not something to worry about.
I now have an 18 month old ☺️

Welshgirl1991 · 11/01/2022 13:50

Brilliant thank you both so much for the positive feedback.

I'm still in shock that it's classed as normal, when for the last few months I've been thinking the worst 🙈


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