Uvularia grandiflora (Largeflower Bellwort) Colchicaceae

 Often located in rich, sloping woods, this species is native to eastern North America. It is usually found in shaded regions under large trees such as Acer saccharum and Quercus rubra.


Physical characteristics

This perennial plant native to eastern North America grows to 30 in (75 cm) tall. The upper part of each plant nods because of the weight of the flowers and leaves. It produces large yellow, bell-shaped, pendent flowers.  Their round, light green or pale reddish green leaves completely surrounds the stem (perfoliate). 

Ecological characteristics

Distribution of Uvularia GrandifloraDistribution of Uvularia GrandifloraDistribution of Uvularia Grandiflora

Uvularia Grandiflora occurs in green colored portion of the map above. It can be seen in mesic desiduous woodlands, slopes of riverbanks in wooded areas, and shady wet places.

Relationship with other species

Bumble bees, mason bees, halictid bees, andrenid bees suck nectar and collect pollen from flowers. The seeds are distributed by ants. The foliage is grazed by deer; the number of plants of an area can be greatly declined when there is an overpopulation of deer in area.

Sources & Links

  • Woodland Wildflowers of Illinois (http://www.illinoiswildflowers.info/woodland/plants/lf_bellwort.htm)
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Common Name:
Large-flowered bellwort

Eastern North America

Spring and early summer