Ocular Albinism – Diminished Melanin in the eyes, skin and hair.


Albinism is the lack of pigmentation called melanin,  that leads to lighter coloured hair, skin and eyes.

Diminished melanin in the eyes cause albinism.

Ocularalbinism  (OA) is much less common and involves primarily the eyes.

In OA the skin and hair are not affected,  (in fact their skin and hair may appear similar or slightly lighter than that of other family members) but they have the Nystagmus, Photophobia and Vision Impairment

The many forms of albinism affects every race and takes many forms. Seeing one person with albinism doesn’t mean you have seen all forms of the condition. The only common factor is the reduction or total absence of melanin in the body.

People with albinism are otherwise just like everyone else. There is no deficiency in understanding or intelligence or talent. Only an inherited deficiency in pigmentation

Will WIlliams