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By Gaelle Boissonnard

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  1. Ianto0:44
  2. english1010:46
  3. Dilubreuer0:48
  4. sammiegirl0:48
  5. judiths0:49
  6. Bubwah19700:50
  7. Neeters10:59
  8. elgin1:00
  9. silverfoxx1:00
  10. alemap1:01


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Thanksgiving dinner all over and cleaned up. Dogs had plenty for their dinner, so all are well and happy.

Now we will be bombarded with ads for shopping from now until Christmas.

Hope you both had a lovely day, and I will chat with you tomorrow.



@bettysweet - what a little darling you are Betty, thank you for thinking of me. It's probably just as well the Baileys are not available all the time, I would be even fatter than I am. I have found some, and they have been put away for Christmas. Thank you for the confirmation of Christmas Eve. 😀

Yes, the Thanksgiving Wishes were sent to your e-mail. I thought it would be a little more personal.

You are fortunate in that you can buy what you want - of course, we have such a small population by comparison to yours, so that's probably why we struggle a bit with "special" things. The normal day to day goods are plentiful but if you want something different, you struggle.

Your Butterscotch Pie sounds delicious. You will have turkey left over for sandwiches and to give the dogs a treat too! Have a wonderful day Betty , enjoy it with your boys.
Will be thinking of you.


Thank you @judiths Glad you liked it.


How cute is this one, thanks.


Yes, Christmas eve is my birthday.

June, did you send that Thanksgiving note to my email? It looked like your email. Such a nice thing to do. You are very thoughtful.

Everything is so plentiful over here. Always able to get most anything you want.
I hope you can find those Bailey Irish Cream Chocolates. If I had an address for you, I could have some sent.

I did make a butterscotch pie. We always have so much to eat at Thanksgiving. I think Jaime got a 14lb turkey for the three of us.


Living here in the back of the beyond, the only time you get something "special" in the shops is at Christmas so it's an ideal thing to buy. for gifts. We used to get chocolates from the US but they disappeared some years ago. Of course Covid is to blame for many shortages from overseas.

My favourite of all time is Pizza which I make myself from scratch. With my Vegan diet, if I want something like that, I have to make it myself. I also love Bailey Irish Cream Chocolates which, once again, you can only find at Christmas. I love mashed potatoes and all vegetables, and tropical fruit!

Your Thanksgiving Meal sounds delicious - and I see you got to make your Butterscotch Pie! Yum!

Don't forget to confirm your birthday as Christmas Eve! 😀


That's a wonderful idea for gifts. There is nothing like getting to eat something special.
What's your favorite thing to eat?

Today being Thanksgiving, we are having a turkey with cornbread dressing and mashed potatoes and gravy. We have jello with fruit and apple and butterscotch pie.


Yes @bettysweet, we do exchange gifts. After all this time we've been together, it is really difficult to know what to buy each other as you can imagine. For some years now we buy things that we can use (foodstuffs for example). Things that are imported from overseas which you very seldom see here except at Christmas. Chris loves German Marzipan with a dark chocolate covering . I usually buy 10 of these bars, he gets 4 at Christmas, 3 on our wedding anniversary and 3 on his birthday. Another thing I buy are Jars of British Ploughman Pickles, British Tea, etc. etc. Much better than buying something which sits around never being used. Neither of us actually needs anything, so it good getting stuff like this.

Your birthday is on the 24th December? Christmas Eve? I stopped having birthdays years ago, 😁


Plus - she is bringing gifts!! @jandchris. Do you exchange gifts at Christmas? We don't anymore and my birthday is on the 24th. I try to forget that one too.


What fun to have a Christmas Tree like this one. Thank you @bettysweet.


Thanks @Neeters1. Glad you liked it.


Love it!


Glad you liked it @donnapascale and thanks for your comments.


Thank you @Bubwah1970 Have a nice Thanksgiving (if you celebrate that)

So cute, Bettysweet. I have a christmas decoration (it's a tree) that's tiered exactly like her skirt. How fun!!!




You are welcome @alemap. Thanks for commenting.

Quick start to the day .. thank you

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