Castles of Bellinzona

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Come arrivare

From Locarno, take A13 in the direction of Bellinzona. Go through the centre of Giubiasco and continue in the direction of Bellinzona town centre and parkin a multistorey car park


The castles of Bellinzona are among the most spectacular examples of mediaeval fortified architecture in the entire Alpine region.

The origins of Castelgrande castle can be traced back to a prehistoric hill fort, but the castle’s present day configuration is substantially due to the intensive and extensive building work ordered by the dukes of Milanin the 15th century. During that period an imposing defensive structure barring the entire width of the Ticino valley was constructed to block the advance of the Swiss confederation.

The castles, with their crenellated walls, towers and gates, were declared a word heritage site by UNESCO in the year 2000, and are still a source of wonder today.

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Nov- Apr 10 am / 5 pm
Apr - Oct 10 am / 6 pm
Castle of  Montebello and Castle of Sasso Corbaro:
March - October 10 am / 6 pm

Castle of Montebello
Castle of Sasso Corbaro