karen's Reviews > Extreme Ironing

Extreme Ironing by Phil Shaw
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bookshelves: holy-grail-unicorn-tamerlane

the fact that extreme ironing, as a thing people do, has not caught on in my country, but no-pants subway day has makes me deeply sad.

because every one of those things is more fun and useful than this:

come to my blog!
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May 14, 2014 – Shelved

Comments Showing 1-50 of 53 (53 new)

message 1: by Ginger (new)

Ginger LoL
Oh the books I would never know about if I did not see your informative reviews!

message 2: by El (new)

El When this review first popped up, all I saw at first were the pictures. I thought it was a delayed AIFAF and I was all "WOW, they did what this weekend??"

I must be drunk-Goodreadsing from work again.

message 3: by karen (new) - added it

karen i haven't managed to track this one down yet, myself - this is more of a PSA, but since there is not, as far as i know, a book about no-pants day, i think there should be more of this and less of that.

message 4: by karen (new) - added it

karen oh, man! i WISH!!!! we had done this. i WIIIIISSSHHHHH

message 5: by Mona (new) - added it

Mona lol! Karen, you are a laugh a minute :)

And highly informative too.

This is hilarious.

Can't say I'd do extreme ironing myself, but it's certainly more fun than No Pants subway day.

As a long time New Yorker, I never understood the appeal of "No Pants Subway Day".

It's bad enough to ride the subway with clothed people.

I have no desire to ride it with unclothed people.

Keep smiling and say "Hi" to your kitteh.

message 6: by karen (new) - added it

karen i know. because the subway isn't full enough of exotic diseases...

message 7: by Mona (new) - added it

Mona -:)

message 8: by Marc (new)

Marc Kozak They should combine the two ideas and give the extremely ironed clothes to the people on the subway.

Kelly (and the Book Boar) Awwwww, the no pants subway celebrator is also planking. If you were a kind soul you would have sent Greg over to inform him that fad is sooooo 5 minutes ago.

message 10: by karen (new) - added it

karen Marc wrote: "They should combine the two ideas and give the extremely ironed clothes to the people on the subway."


message 11: by karen (new) - added it

karen Kelly (and the Book Boar) wrote: "Awwwww, the no pants subway celebrator is also planking. If you were a kind soul you would have sent Greg over to inform him that fad is sooooo 5 minutes ago."

ALSO genius.

lots of geniuses on this thread...

message 12: by TL (new)

TL heh, interesting... the things people do:)
Love seeing what you find

message 13: by Mona (new) - added it

Mona Marc wrote: "They should combine the two ideas and give the extremely ironed clothes to the people on the subway."


message 14: by Mona (new) - added it

Mona karen wrote: "Marc wrote: "They should combine the two ideas and give the extremely ironed clothes to the people on the subway."


I agree :)

message 15: by Ginger (new)

Ginger The thought of all the exotic diseases running rampant on the subway and the picture of that guy's junk unprotected on the seat...*shudder*

message 16: by Mona (new) - added it

Mona Ginger wrote: "The thought of all the exotic diseases running rampant on the subway and the picture of that guy's junk unprotected on the seat...*shudder*"

Not to mention two other problems:

1. The subways are very crowded, so one is already uncomfortably close to others one would rather not be (as in: some guy's armpit over my head. This happens a lot, as I am pretty short).

2. There aren't enough seats available as it is. With everyone avoiding the "no pants" people, it becomes even more of a problem.

message 17: by karen (new) - added it

karen just for the record, i also would not like people ironing on the subway.

message 18: by Mona (new) - added it

Mona karen wrote: "just for the record, i also would not like people ironing on the subway."

I agree. Besides, there wouldn't be room anywhere to do it. But maybe the ironing could be done elsewhere and the "extremely ironed" clothes handed out to the no pantsers.

message 19: by Mona (new) - added it

Mona Mona wrote:
Not to mention two other problems:

1. ..."

Maybe this is TMI.

message 20: by karen (new) - added it

karen nope!

message 21: by Ginger (new)

Ginger LoL thank you for the view into your world Mona.
It makes me appreciate my commute through rural contry even more.

Though I do constantly envy karen and all of her adventures. I will just have to continue to live vicariously through her AIFAF's. ;D

message 22: by Hera (new)

Hera Barton I think I have a new hobby. I want to be just like the guy who's ironing over a fire. Look at his face!

message 23: by Hera (new)

Hera Barton Kelly wrote: "all i keep doing is thinking "penis subway seat." I will never sit down in a subway again. or at least til i forget about this picture...."

Yeah...I'm pretty sure this is how you share scabies and crabs...or at least the creeps.

message 24: by karen (new) - added it

karen i feel like the fire-ironing guy is going to singe his garment, which should be a point-deduction at least.

i think the material of the subway seats is designed to prevent bedbugs or scabies because it is too slick, but i'm pretty sure there are equally objectionable things that thrive upon it

message 25: by Mona (last edited Jan 13, 2015 03:45PM) (new) - added it

Mona Ginger...lol. Fortunately, I don't have to ride the subways daily anymore...just occasionally, and that is bad enough.. I still live in NY but mostly work outside the city..

message 26: by Hera (new)

Hera Barton karen wrote: "i feel like the fire-ironing guy is going to singe his garment, which should be a point-deduction at least."

Well sure but look at his heart! He's the Rudy of Ironing!

message 27: by karen (new) - added it

karen hahaahh yes!

or maybe that's his "shit, i have set myself on fire" face.

message 28: by Mir (new)

Mir karen wrote: "i feel like the fire-ironing guy is going to singe his garment, which should be a point-deduction at least.

i think the material of the subway seats is designed to prevent bedbugs or scabies beca..."

At least he HAS a garment; isn't the guy on the horse just carrying a board and not actually ironing?

message 29: by Stephanie (new)

Stephanie Am I the only one pervi enough that the first thing that crossed my mind when I saw junk-on-the-seat guy is "Ooooo, that's a nice a**..."?

message 30: by Mona (new) - added it

Mona lol I noticed too

message 31: by karen (new) - added it

karen it probably flew away en route.

not the ass - i am still on comment 30

message 32: by Erik (new)

Erik That can't be a real picture of a naked guy passed out on a subway in NY. He'd have dicks drawn all over him if it was.

message 33: by Hera (new)

Hera Barton Erik wrote: "That can't be a real picture of a naked guy passed out on a subway in NY. He'd have dicks drawn all over him if it was."

God bless you, NY.

message 34: by Lady Alexandrine (new)

Lady Alexandrine No way! People are crazy, lol! Thanks for the pictures Karen, you made me laugh! x

message 35: by Eddie (new)

Eddie ok.. with an ironing board.. you gently pound something into firm submission using hot steam

the last pic...

you gently pound something submissive till it is hot and steamy..

I totally see the analogy here!!

message 36: by karen (new) - added it

karen hahahahah amaaaaaazing work!

message 37: by Jennifer (new)

Jennifer So, the no-pants thing is really a THING??? Wow. I thought it was just something funny Hot Topic was using to advertise their underoos...**Midwestern-horrified silence**

message 38: by karen (new) - added it

karen it is, indeed. as real as volcanos and other terrible things.

message 39: by Jennifer (new)

Jennifer Wow...and in January, I can not imagine that there would be anything worth showing off at the kind of temperatures that you get...

message 40: by karen (new) - added it

karen it's a lot of pale, shriveled jubilee

message 41: by Hayat (new)

Hayat Wow! These people sure love to iron. Maybe they'd be happy to iron my laundry on the fly. :)

message 42: by karen (new) - added it

karen as long as you don't mind singed or wet clothing!

message 43: by Hayat (last edited Jan 16, 2015 07:26PM) (new)

Hayat My laundry will be strictly for the extremely domestic Parachute jumpers! And all that fresh air is a plus.

message 44: by Peter (new)

Peter What I want to know is does anyone iron the clothes while people where them.....Well it would save time and be warm in the winter.

message 45: by karen (new) - added it

karen and can cauterize wounds!

message 46: by zdaddy420 (new)

zdaddy420 farts and dog doo to you karen

message 47: by zdaddy420 (new)

zdaddy420 farts to you karen

message 48: by Jannah (new) - added it

Jannah ohmylord this is exactly what needs to be on my to read list. thanks Karen

message 49: by karen (new) - added it

karen hahah you got it!

message 50: by Melanie (new)

Melanie i thought the "warm in winter" part was why that one guy was ironing on the cow... i figured he gave each animal a garment's worth of electrically heated bliss.

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