Uterine fibroids are small, smooth muscle tumors in and around the uterus that usually occur in and after a woman’s late 40s.  Sometimes these tumors become quite large and cause severe abdominal pain and heavy periods. In other cases, they cause no signs or symptoms at all.

Symptoms of fibroids may include:

  • heavy bleeding between or during your periods that includes blood clots
  • pain in the pelvisr lower back
  • increased menstumnal cramping
  • increased urination
  • pain during intercourse
  • menstruation that lasts longer than usual
  • pressure or fullness in your lower abdomen
  • swelling or enlargement of the abdomen

There are three main types of uterine fibroids:

Subserosal fibroid grow from the wall of the uterus outward and can create pressure on the bladder, bowel and intestine. These fibroids can cause bloating, abdominal pressure, cramping and pelvic pain.

Intramural fibroids

grow within the muscle of the uterus and can cause pressure-like symptoms and, occasionally, heavy menstrual bleeding

Submucosal fibroids

grow from just underneath the uterine lining into the uterine cavity and can cause bleeding, pain or infertility.

Fibroid and infertility

Fibroid can be the sole cause of infertility. Fibroid may cause the infertility by obstructing the fallopian tubes and impairing gamete transport. It is now clear that the critical factor may be distortion of the endometrial cavity, causing abnormal endometrial receptivity, hormonal milieu, and altered endometrial development.

Diagnosis of fibroids

Fibroids are most often found during a routine pelvic examination. This, along with an abdominal examination, may indicate a firm, irregular pelvic mass to the physician. In addition to a complete medical history and physical and pelvic and/or abdominal examination, diagnostic procedures for uterine fibroids may include:

  • Ultrasound
  • Pelvic MRI

Treatment of Fibroids

When selecting a treatment for symptomatic uterine fibroids, the fibroid location, size, and number will often dictate the proper intervention.

  • Hormonal Medication to regulate your hormone level and to shrink the fibroid
  • Minimal invasive Procedure which include
  • endometrial ablation
  • Uterine artery embolization

We, At Gaudium provide a personalized medical facility and treatment to our patient, We have made many patients pregnant successfully with healthy baby with large fibroid So, don’t be afraid if you are trying to convince with fibroid…step forward towards Gaudium IVF Centre.

For consultation, visit:

Gaudium IVF West Delhi Centre

Address: 51, Block B1, Janakpuri East, New Delhi, Delhi 110058

Contact: +91-8527858585

Email: info@gaudiumivfcentre.com