Fact fluency fun at ERS

Staff Writer
Fosters Daily Democrat
Miss Simpson’s class at East Rochester school earned 457 links during a recent paper chain making activity. Each chain link represents a successfully completed fact fluency page or math assignment. Courtesy photo

ROCHESTER — The last few days before Christmas break, ERS students were busy making paper chains. They were not for the purpose, though, of decorating. Each link signified a successfully completed fact fluency page or math assignment. The classrooms with the longest chains won a kickball game in the gym.

When totaling the links from all of the classrooms, those at the school were amazed to discover a total of 2,697 links! Congratulations belongs to ALL of the students, and in particular, Mr. Cantrell’s class, which earned 900 links, and Miss Simpson’s class, which earned 457 links. Way to go, Cougars!!