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Hellin Kay

WARNING: If you don't want coworkers bum-rushing your computer or Starbucks line strangers glaring at your iPhone screen, you should probably read this story in private. The photos are racy in the beginning and full-on naked towards the bottom. So heads up: It only gets nakeder from here.

Luba Shumeyko, pictured here, told me she doesn't think these photos of her qualify as "sexy." The Ukrainian model views them as a yoga thing first and foremost—she had someone on the sidelines checking her form the whole time, and her asanas are pretty much perfect. ("That's a spot on Prasarita Padottanasana," was probably the first thing you thought when you saw the photo below, right?)

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Hellin Kay

But when the man behind the lens is erotic photographer Petter Hegre (Luba's husband) and the woman in front of it is built like a "Blurred Lines" video girl, it's hard for the finished product not to come off as sexy. Very sexy.

Related: I Did Naked Yoga With a Room Full of Strangers

Upon their release on Luba and Petter's website a couple weeks ago, the photos zoomed across the Internet, and Luba found herself at the center of a "check out these sexy yoga photos!! NSFW NSFW XXX" Reddit storm. Below, we caught up with her to hear a little more about their intention behind the pictures, the process of taking them (heated floors sound like a lifesaver), and how she looks so amazing through it all. (Her perfect peacock pose might take years to obtain, but that tan and smooth skin—well, that we can cop in a quick trip to Duane Reade, apparently.)

On getting famous overnight:

"We posted the photos on our website and suddenly they are all over Internet— but with wrong titles like 'sexy yoga.' During that photo shoot, sex was the last thing I was thinking about."

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Hellin Kay

On working with her husband:

"Well, it's great. For me it's the best, actually. We work very quickly and efficiently together. It's fun and easy, very comfortable and stress-free. We listen to jazz and shoot in our house, where there are heated floors. My husband's very thoughtful!"

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Hellin Kay

On reading the public's reaction:

"The only comments that I don't like to see are when people say that I have fake breasts. That's not fair."

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Hellin Kay

On how she stays in shape and why she loves yoga:

"I practice yoga three times a week. When I started, about 10 years ago, I was doing it mostly for my body, but now I do it more so for my mind."

Related: Is Our Obsession With Yoga Getting Us Anywhere?

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Hellin Kay

On how she preps her face and hair:

"I did very light make up myself, and just pulled my hair back in a ponytail."

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Hellin Kay

On how she got her skin so soft and hairless (or, the best testament to skipping your expensive monthly wax and shaving instead):

"I used baby oil which always looks great on the body for photo shoots. I kept my tanning lines natural, and about my body hair.... I don't do waxing, for me it's too painful. Can't do it, only shaving! My skin reacts very well to shaving and looks nice and smooth. Or, at least my husband doesn't complain."

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Hellin Kay

Related: Alexander Skarsgard Posed Nude at the South Pole

Photos: Courtesy of Petter Hegre and Luba Shumeyko