Help - Main

This documentation is to help new users of the Carmel Software SchemaServer to register and use the server to transfer Energy Star Portfolio Manager utility data. Open the Schema Server Web Service Page by going to the following URL:

(For help on the integration with Energy Star Portfolio Manager, click here.)

Click on “Register” at the top right of the screen:

Fill out all data fields:

Once all data fields are filled in, click box next to "I'm not a robot":

Click on “Register” at bottom of page:

A confirmation email will be sent to your registered account email address. Click on the link in the email to be sent to the log in page. Once registered, click on “Log in” at top right of main page:

Fill in user Email and Password data fields and click Log In:

Once logged in to Schema Server, your login name should appear at the top right of the page:

Once logged in to SchemaServer, click on Project at top right of page.

Project List page. Click the Add Project button to create a new project:

Fill in all data fields. The "Project Name" is the minimum data field that must be filled in:

Click "Save Project Inputs" at bottom right:

Click "Energy Star PM" below data fields:

If your Energy Star Portfolio Manager account has been linked with Schema Server, a list of properties will be displayed:

Select the associated property that corresponds to the created file:

A list of associated meters for the selected property will be displayed:

Select the meter that you want to attach to the created file:

Select the meter that you want to attach to the created file:

It will display the following list of metered data. Click on "Import Data into Project":

"Data Imported" will be displayed at the top of the page:

Click the "Back" button. The meter that has been imported will have a "*" displayed next to the meter name:

Keep clicking back until you return to the Project Information screen. To create a new Schema, click "Create New Schema Version":"

If Asset Score Audit Template file was created and a BuildingSync XML file was downloaded, then upload that file by clicking the "Choose File" under Base Schema Information:

Fill in all applicable fields for the project, then click the Upload button:

Once uploaded, you will be able to "Validate" or "View" the schema created:

"Validate" will generate a "Mandatory Field" message and an "All Error" message showing what needs to be added to correct the problems with the uploaded file:

"View" will take you to a web page that allows you to perform the following functions:

Download the XML file (BuildingSync XML) to your computer:

Display the XML file in your browser:

View differences between the various versions of the XML files that were uploaded:

To synchronize the BuildingSync XML data to ASHRAE BuildingEQ, click the "Sync" button. If you did not enter your BuildingEQ credentials as part of your user profile, then you will be asked to enter them after clicking the "Sync" button:

Select the property that you wish to sync:

After returning to the main Project Input screen, the newest version of the created project schema will be displayed in the Schema Version List section. You can add as many versions of the schema as you want. They will all be stored in this list similar to version control systems. You can delete a version by clicking the "x" underneath the "Delete" column.