Francine Smith

Francine Smith

    American Dad!
Photo Credit: Everett Collection

Character Analysis

(Avoiding Spoilers)

Grew up… with her Chinese foster parents, Ma Ma and Bah Bah Ling. Francine was abandoned at the airport by her biological parents, a wealthy South Carolinian couple, because they weren’t allowed to fly first class with children. 

Living… in Langley Falls, Virginia, with her husband and two kids. Francine’s days of sleeping with rock stars are far behind her. Today, she’s managed to fit herself into a cozy middle-class life with her husband Stan and the kids.

Profession… stay-at-home mom and housewife. She’s had a few career ambitions – realtor, comedian, marine biologist, concrete saleswoman – but these days she seems to spend most of her time folding shirts.

Interests… acting, singing, Mr. Pibb, and getting spanked.

Relationship Status… married to Stan Smith, an ultra-patriotic CIA agent. Francine and her husband get along fairly well, but that’s primarily because Stan tends to use his high-level CIA gadgets to tamper with her brainwaves.

Challenge… keeping herself occupied. Francine is the kind of housewife who can’t stand downtime – the boredom can be unbearable. In order to keep herself occupied, she prefers to cook and clean relentlessly. “I’m doing one of Rachel Ray’s 30-minute meals,” she says, “but I’m saving 10 minutes by not being fake and smiley.”

Personality… pleasant and motherly – unless you get her drunk. Francine can be the perfect domestic goddess during the day, but sometimes she feels the urge to let loose and relive her wild years.


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