Taxon profile


Island Cetraria Lichen
Cetraria islandica (L.) Ach.

kingdom Fungi - fungi »  class Lecanoromycetes »  order Lecanorales »  family Parmeliaceae »  genus Cetraria - cetraria lichen

Scientific synonyms

Lichen islandicus L.
Lichenoides islandicum (L.) anon.
Lobaria islandica (L.) Hoffm.
Platyphyllum islandicum (L.) Vent.
Physcia islandica (L.) Michx.
Platysma islandicum (L.) Ferge
Cornicularia islandica (L.) H. Mart.
Parmelia islandica (L.) Hepp
Cetraria platyna Ach.
Cetraria islandica var. platyna (Ach.) Ach.


Taxon in country check-lists*

* List of countries might not be complete


Included taxa

Number of records: 4

subspecies Cetraria islandica subsp. crispiformis (Räsänen) Kärnefelt

Unplaced taxa

varietas Cetraria islandica var. sorediata (Schaerer) Ach.

Links and literature

EN Hansen, E. S. (2007): Lichens from Upernavik island, NW Greenland, Willdenowia 37(1),pages 353-362 [as Cetraria islandica (L.) Ach.]
EN Liška J., Palice Z. & Slavíková Š. (2008): Checklist and Red List of lichens of the Czech Republic, Preslia 80(2): 151–182, 2008. [as Cetraria islandica (L.) Ach.]

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Taxa (not confirmed) - 1