Simone Biles Doesn't Owe You Laid Edges, Perfectly Straight Hair, or Anything Else

After she posted pictures from her wedding, Twitter put all the focus on her hair. But as the great Jill Scott once sang, “Maybe we could just be silent.”
headshot of simone biles with straightened hair
Getty Images

Sometimes the internet exhausts me. Well, more specifically, people on the internet. The latest instance involved Olympic gymnast Simone Biles after she shared photos on April 22 from her courthouse wedding. What should have been a day full of celebration, joy, and good wishes turned ugly quickly when certain Twitter users began to share their unnecessary thoughts about Biles's wavy, high ponytail, which, according to them, looked unkempt.

Some users expressed their disappointment that Biles would dare show her textured edges while the rest of her hair was straightened. A few of the tweets that sparked the discourse have since been deleted, but the damage had already been done, as it started a larger conversation regarding texturism and Black hair. Biles even shared her own two cents. 

On April 23, Twitter user Cindy Noir tweeted, “Simone Biles is one of THEE top gymnasts we’ve ever seen, has overcome situations of abuse and other obstacles in her childhood, has defined her own success and found love and is now happily married… And y’all worried about her hair…..?!” They paired the tweet with a video of Nene Leakes looking bewildered, which is exactly how I felt. 

Biles responded to the tweet, “I think they also forget i live in HOUSTON TEXAS & I sweat those out!! soon as we stepped outside for pics but they can keep complaining idc idc idc." That was, thankfully, the only statement Biles made about the incident, seeing as she shouldn't have had to say anything, to begin with. 

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This isn't the first time that Biles has received criticism for allowing her natural texture to be seen in public. And I can't decide if it's better or worse that the latest criticism is about what she looked like at her wedding, of all places, rather than while doing gymnastics or working out — you know, when she should be expected to be sweaty and disheveled. 

It should not be shocking to see a Black woman's natural hair texture in any context. There are only so many chemical treatments, hot tools, and other tricks that can be done to take the kinks and curls out of Black hair, but those are all temporary because your hair texture is your hair texture. What do you expect her to do? 

Unfortunately, this incident was another reminder of the anti-Black and texturist standards Black people still have to face daily, even with the CROWN Act in place. By Western society's standards, straight hair is seen as better, and long, loose curls are seen as more desirable than the tightly coiled kinks that many Black folks have. Even the natural hair movement has placed an aggressive amount of focus on combatting shrinkage by stretching out hair and defining coils and kinks into something that looks “done up.” The underlying message constantly being delivered to Black people is that the kinkier and shorter your hair is, the less “acceptable” it is.  

I've seen plenty of folks complain about these unnecessary standards that Black hair has been held to in Western culture. And trying to undo the texturism those unrealistic standards stem from feels nearly impossible, thanks to systemic oppression. But, at the same time, how many of us have actively used those standards as a means to criticize our own hair or that of others?  

It's those same unattainable standards that are now being used against Biles on what was one of the best days of her life. She has textured hair. Get over it and mind your business!

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