Uvularia grandiflora

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Common Name:  Great Merrybells, Large-flowered Bellwort

Part sun to light shade, moderately wet to moderately dry moisture level, humus-rich soil, neutral to slightly alkaline pH.  12-18 inches height, blooms in spring, yellow flowers.

Germination Code: L

Native Region: Statewide, lightly in West Tennessee

Showy flowers and easy to grow.  Foliage looks good all season so it is a good plant to put among plants that die down early.  It occurs in the wild typically in rich woodlands, on wooded slopes and in alluvial valleys.  Excellent native plant for the woodland garden.

Great Merrybells, Large-flowered Bellwort - Uvularia grandiflora 1
Photo Courtesy of Wikipedia http://www.wikipedia.org/