Zazie Beetz

Zazie Beetz


Zazie Beetz is a German-American actress known for the role of Vanessa on Atlanta (2016), as well as for starring in Deadpool 2 (2018), Joker (2019), and Nine Days (2020).

Born in Berlin to a German father and an African-American mother, Beetz was raised in New York speaking both German and English at home. Performing in community theaters and local stages since childhood, Zazie found her joy in grade school and grew up acting. She attended LaGuardia Arts High school, where she continued to engage her love for performing arts, but decided to not pursue a conservatory program afterward. Instead, she went to Skidmore College, where she received a bachelor’s degree in French. Beetz resides in her hometown, New York.


  • Born: June 1, 1991
  • Age: 32 years old



There is 1 character listed for this actor; none are dead.

Mel Harmony

Mel Harmony

tv-hdFull Circle (regular)

Character Statistics


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Note: Character roles may exceed the number of characters played, if the character was on multiple TV shows.

This page was last edited on August 4th, 2023.