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    Brown Recluse bites Novinger-area woman

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    For our Facebook Story of the Day, several of you wanted to know more about Brown Recluse spider bites.

    Doctors believe Amanda Hilderman of Novinger was bitten by one of the poisonous spiders about two weeks ago.

    They can't say with certainty without taking a tissue sample, which they didnâ??t do in Hildermanâ??s case.

    The spider bit Hilderman on the calf.

    She said she thinks it probably happened while she slept.

    The bite didn't cause her any pain at first, and several days later, she just happened to notice a pea-sized bruise on her calf.

    "It was a little bitty, but black, and I was like, 'Well, I never bruise, ever.' It's hard for me to get bruises,â?? said hilderman. â??So, I'm like, 'That's weird. I don't know where that would have come from.' Then, probably two days later, it started spreading out and then turned like yellowish, and it was probably half dollar size by then."

    Hilderman said she thought she had a blood clot because the bruise had a knot under it.

    Upon closer examination in the following days, she noticed a bite mark on the wound, and it was gradually getting a red ring around it.

    When it started to swell and kept getting worse, Hilderman's mom and grandmother finally convinced her to go to the doctor's office where she got a shot and antibiotics.

    "I've never had anything, anything ever like that,â?? said Hilderman. â??My aunt and my uncle both last year had them, and I think she had one on her back, and they had to cut it out, and she ended up with a hole back there for a long time."

    Hilderman returned to the doctor Friday, and he said the wound seems to be healing well thanks to the antibiotics.

    Often, doctors have to open up spider bite wounds like Hildermanâ??s to remove the tissue killed by the spiderâ??s venom.

    At this point, it doesnâ??t appear that will have to be done in Hildermanâ??s case.

    Like their name implies, Brown Recluse spiders are brown in color and reclusive.

    They have very long, thin legs and only like to come out at night.

    The adults have a dark-colored violin-shaped marking right behind their eyes.

    Unlike other spiders, the Brown Recluse only has six eyes. Most other spiders have eight eyes.

    If you're ever bitten by one of these poisonous spiders, experts say to seek medical attention immediately.

    To learn much more about Brown Recluse spiders, click here.

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