Features of Reisho 101

With a stable and weighted feel, "Reisho 101" is an original Reisho (Chinese clerical script) style font with unique elements. The standard Chinese clerical script style has a skeletal structure that is long horizontally, but this font's skeleton is square, making it easy to typeset both vertically and horizontally. The font brings out the best of the Chinese clerical script style while having a vibrant, unique letterform akin to Edo style, making this font perfect for eye-catching applications such as titles, headlines, and displays.

Morisawa Inc.



Type and Try.


Fonts Min set AJ1-2 AJ1-3 AJ1-4 AJ1-5 AJ1-6 AJ1-7 U-PRESS Meiryo based
OTF Min NewCID OTF Std OTF Pro OTF Pr5 OTF Pr6/Pr6N OTF Pr6N OTF Upr TT for Vista Adobe-GB1-4 Pro (Morisawa) PE (Morisawa) Original
なし none none ok none none none none none none none none none none