Emerald Dragon – Ysondre

First off. Thank you to everyone who turned up to help us tackle Ysondre on Sunday night. It was a great turn out and real good fun to try something as a guild (think we had about 18-20 guildies in the group). As you all know we were trying for Ysondre, the easiest of the emerald dragons. We had a go with about 10 of us while we waited for the group to get together and got him down to around 30%.

The brave group prepares

The brave group prepares

It then took us another couple of wipes to realise how deadly his sleep debuff is after he’s killed you. 4 seconds of sleep suddenly becomes 2 minutes of sleep. Instant wipe!

But… on the 4th attempt.. and with a little help from 4-6 non-guildies we finally took him down (waiting 15 minutes after each death debuff). A couple of people got some nice purple orbs and Decomposer got a purple quest item I believe.

Ysondre be down!

Ysondre be down!

I have to say as well. The team work of the group was an order of magnitude better than the last time we tried grouping up into a raid together. Primarily;

  • Raid chat was nice and quiet when it needed to be, so instruction gonna be passed out to all.
  • We followed the tactics correctly and people stuck to their roles well.

On the negative side… I could have handled the master looting at the end better… but hey… I need a little practice πŸ™‚

Please all… feel free to add comments at the end… it’d be great to get a bit of discussion in from the guild..

PS Arandir has promised us a post about the upcoming Karazhan event on Sunday

~ by denied08 on July 8, 2008.

3 Responses to “Emerald Dragon – Ysondre”

  1. That was fun shame i wasnt there at the end to get some more pictures but from what i was there, we had a whale of a time. we should do more events like this, and woot 1st comment πŸ˜€

  2. I really love those crowds of people in one place trying to get ONE dude down πŸ˜€
    I want harder Boss!!! this one was a terrible noob πŸ™‚

  3. I wasnt there:( take me next time!

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