Why Not Try This? …Preach a Sermon on the Second Coming of Jesus

second coming of jesusI had just finished preaching a message on the second coming of Jesus in one of our Adventist churches in the northwest recently. One of the members came up to me and said, “Do you know how long it has been since I heard a sermon on the second coming of Jesus here at our church?”

“No,” I responded.

“Never, in the seven years I’ve been coming here,” he said.

One of the other members standing nearby tried to be helpful. “One time I heard our former pastor allude to heaven.”

The message that soon we will see Jesus face to face (Titus 2:13) is energizing to a congregation. I feel invigorated when I preach a joyful, positive sermon on the blessed hope. With all the Secret Rapture confusion in the Christian world it is especially important that this Bible truth is presented from Adventist pulpits.

Here are a few reasons why—

  • In the upper room the night Jesus was betrayed, He said that when He went away it was the guarantee that He would come again to take us to a place He would prepare for us. (John 14:1-3)
  • In 1st Thessalonians, probably the first book of the New Testament written, every chapter concludes with the second coming.
  • Every prophecy in both Daniel and Revelation ends with either the second coming of Jesus or the kingdom of God.
  • I believe every book of the Bible refers to the second coming of Jesus in some way.
  • Dwight L. Moody, the great evangelist of the 1800s, said that the Bible refers to the second coming of Jesus 2,500 times.
  • Funerals are much different when we picture the incredible day of resurrection, reunion & rejoicing that is ahead for those who died trusting Jesus. (1st Thessalonians 4:16-18)
  • When Jesus is our best friend we can hardly wait to see Him again, and every sign He gave us (Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 17 & 21) is a reminder that soon He will come to take us home.
  • As a church we have counsel that “The truths of prophecy are bound up together, and as we study them, they form a beautiful cluster of practical Christian truth. All the discourses that we give are plainly to reveal that we are waiting, working, and praying for the coming of the Son of God. His coming is our hope. This hope is to be bound up with all our words and works, with all our associations and relationships.–Letter 150, 1902. {Evangelism, p. 220.1} From Chapter 8 “Preaching the Distinctive Truths”

When I present this wonderful Bible truth I like to emphasize some or all of these points—

1) Reminders that Jesus is coming soon. (Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 17 & 21 compared with Today’s newspaper)

2) We will all SEE Jesus come (Revelation 1:7; Matthew 24:27, 30)

3) We will all FEEL Jesus come (Revelation 16:18, 20)

4) We will all HEAR Jesus come (1st Thessalonians 4:16-17)

5) What God’s people will be like when He comes (1 Corinthians 15:51-53)

6) What Jesus will be like when He comes (Acts 1:9-11)

7) Jesus won’t be coming alone (Matthew 25:31)

8 ) What does Jesus mean when He says…

  • He will come as “a thief in the night”? (Matthew 24:42-44; 2 Peter 3:10)
  • “One will be taken and the other left”? (Luke 17- v26-27 Noah, v28-29 Lot, v30 When Jesus returns, v35-36 one will be taken and the other left)

9) What happens to those who are lost? (Revelation 6:15-17)

10) Every day we are making decisions about eternity- we have come here today so we can know Jesus better, love Him more, and be ready to say “Lo, this is our God, we have waited for Him and He will save us.” (Isaiah 25:9)11)

Final Illustration- I picture the Second Coming of Jesus and what it will be like to see specific godly people who have been a part of my life. Sometimes I invite 8-10 people to say very briefly some specific people they look forward to seeing when Jesus comes for His people.

Blessings to you,

Dan Serns

Related Links–


About danserns

Happily married and father of three great kids. Seventh-day Adventist pastor who invites everyone to accept Jesus as their Savior and Lord, embrace all the teachings of the Bible and join a vibrant Adventist group.
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14 Responses to Why Not Try This? …Preach a Sermon on the Second Coming of Jesus

  1. Abraham Green says:

    Dear Sirs–when you say (Jesus is coming soon) may i ask what is your definition of the word soon–is it seconds-minutes-hours-days-weeks-months-years–if i knew exactly what your definition of the word soon was it would clear up my confusion on this mater–thank you and God bless and keep you

    • rosemarie says:

      soon can be anytime for jesus said to look at the fig tree and know the season so is the time of his coming it is very near even at the door, and don’t forget we could die at any moment and our next knowledge of time will be his coming so then which resurrection do you want to be part of?

  2. danserns says:

    Hi Abraham—

    Thank you for your question.

    Jesus told us no human can know the day or hour of His return (Matthew 24:36) but that when we see the many signs of His return growing in frequency and intensity we can know that it is near (Matthew 24:1-35).

    Jesus gave us three parables in Matthew 25 (verses 1-13, 14-30 and 31-46) that teach us how to live each day so we can be ready if Jesus comes that day. And the outline and time prophecies of the books of Daniel (and Revelation) show us how we are living in the endtimes and the stories of the book of Daniel show us how to live in the endtimes.

    The apostle Peter tell us that we can not only look forward to the day when Jesus comes but can hasten it by giving the gospel to the world (2 Peter 3:12, compare Matthew 24:14; 28:18-20).

    For some wonderful online Bible studies see the “Related Links” above.

    Blessings to you in your daily walk with Jesus and preparation for His soon return.

    Dan Serns

  3. dorothee says:

    I teach s/s and have 14 children aged from baby to a 15 year old. Eight of my 15 are in primary. I have twisted the pastors arm and have got permission for my children to take the sermon in August. Now Iam scared. I want them to preach with my help on the 2nd coming of Jesus. Their Jesus the creator of animals, their Jesus the One who plays with them in the sand pit, and helps them find their lost dogs and cats. Do you know of any kids sermons already written. Help

  4. danserns says:

    Praise the Lord for what you are doing!

    Here are a few ideas to get you started–

    1. Check out the “Truth 4 Youth” Bible series at http://www.youngdisciple.com/Truth4Youth/

    2. Check with your conference or union Children’s Ministry leader

    3. Make a simple outline with 3-5 points that includes a) One main sentence of truth, b) a Bible verse or passage that makes the point and c) a short story or illustration to help apply the Bible truth to everyday life. Then have several of your young people involved in presenting the message, including an appeal at the end to all those who want to trust Jesus to prepare them for His return.

    Blessings to you. God will give you wisdom and bless your efforts for His eternal kingdom.

    Dan Serns



    My email address is: kishorekumar991@gmail.com
    Phone Number: (+91) 9247409122
    PRAISE THE LORD Reg. 86/2003 Dearly beloved brother and sister in Christ greetings in the mighty and matchless name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I am Rev. Kishore Kumar called and appointed by God as per Mathew 22:14 God delivered me from several dangers and appointed me for his spreading Gospel and preaching Good news. God called me through verse 4 chapter 1 of the book of Jeremiah Here is a miracle through which God saved me from death. In the year 2000 I was doing my post Graduation course in Andhra University Vishakhapatnam it was Christmas time I was on my way back to my home in a super fast express train. I was in the first bogie compartment and at a few yards distance the track was broken and it was midnight track was broken and it was midnight even then being warned by a gang man driver applied breaks and the train stopped. God wants me to do his work. His aim in my life is to use me as his vessel. Jesus Christ told us in LUKE 19:10 that He came in to this world to save destroyed he wants to save Mary souls and for that purpose He called me. Being obedient to Gods call. We started “HOLY BIBLE BELIEVING PENUEL CHURCH” society Reconstructing Organization through that we are preaching Gospel and Gods salvation to the UN reached millions THE MAIN OBJECTIVES OF THIS MINISTRY ] 1. PREACHING GOSPEL TO TRAIBAL AREA WHO NEVER BEARD ABOUT SALVATION OF GOD AND TURNING MANY TO GOD. 2. GIVING FOOD AND SHELTER TO WIDOWS WHO ARE ABOUT 100 IN OUR CONGREGATIONS AND STRENGHTHENING THEM IN THE WORD OF GOD. 3. GIVING PROVIDING MINIMUM NEEDS TO ORPHAN CHILDREN WHO ARE ABOUT IN OUR CONGRAGATIONS AND BUILDING THEIR LIVES IN GOD. 4. CONDUCTING RETREATS TO THE YOUNG NOW A DAYS MANY YOUNG ARE LIVING ACCORDING TO ECCLECIASTES 11:9 ACCORDING TO THIS VERSE THEY ARE BECOM,ING VERY WICKED AND AS PER ISIAH :40:30 IN THEIR LIVES MUST BE ACCOMUPLISED ACCORDING TO LAMENTATIONS 3:27 5. WE ARE PREAYING FOR ALL THE ABOVE MENTIONED THINGS BUT WE ARE UNABLE TO JUDGE THEM PROPERLY I along with 25 pastors we are doing team work in Nuzvid situated in A.P (SOUTH) INDIA According to the situations prevailing many young people mostly immersed in watching T.V that is good but after turning off the TV they are again turning to this old life We must approach them, and tell them about Gods love and his eternal salvation. We are lacking resources for all these to continue this work please co-operate with us and help us financially please visit us once strengthen us and help us in spreading the word As per Mathew 10:1 God gave us authority. So extend you �re to extend your help as per LUKE: 11:5 please pray for our church and the work which is being done through it please contact us. Remaining in his Service Rev Kishore Kumar vepuri DUM-DUM GARDENS NUZVID KRISHNA (DISTRICT) 521201 ANDHRA PRADESH SOUTH INDIA E-mail ap1_7777@yahoo.com @yahoo.com Cell number +91 9247409122

  6. Louvado seja o nome do nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo

  7. scholarstica says:


    continue the work of Lord Jesus He is your strength. amen


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  10. Arim says:

    Greetings of Peace in the Name of Our Lord Jesus Christ,

    It is really privileged for me to write to your ministry and I pray may Lord bless you abundantly. I found that you have awesome and precious work of Lord Jesus Christ, May God bless your Church staff and all precious work.

    I have studied your web site, and I found it the most wonderful site to get right to the True Word of God. I found that all your material is full of knowledge concerning development of religious faith.

    I am Arim, from Multan , Pakistan . Living in Pakistan we Christians have to face many obstacles to get the access to the Word of God. Most of the people in Pakistan are not capable to understand the English language and they are hungry of the Gods words. So I will be very thankful to you if you can to translate your material into my native languages.

    For this I am able to translate the good stuff of you into my native language Sariki. There are two purposes to request you the first one is to know the Word of God more deeply and second one is to be supportive my family. My suggestion for you is to create your material in my language of Sariki. It will bring lots of blessings of the Word of God for the Pakistani Sariki speaking people.

    For that purpose I as a translator will bring your material into Sariki language. Although it will take your low expenses, as well as fund for the Word of God, to reach out to the deserving people. As a translator I will take the expenses that will be spending just for the Word.

    May God Shower his blessings upon you and your ministries work.

    Looking forward for your kind response,

    Yours Sister in Christ,



    • Marella says:

      Dear Arim,

      Thank you so much for the wonderful work you are doing there in Pakistan. Unfortunately, we are not able to translate the materials into your language since we do not have a translator. If you are able to volunteer your time in doing the translating, you have our permission to do so.

      Again, thank you for your work in helping to take the Adventist message to the people throughout Pakistan. Blessings,


  11. yoyinsola says:

    Just want to find out if the the Victor Adepoju that preached the sermon Titled WHAT IS THE COLOR OF THE MAN JESUS ON THE CROSS is a Nigeria from Ondo state.

    Thank you.


  12. yoyinsola says:

    Notify me of follow up commemts by email.

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