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Aplasia Cutis Congenita -Birth defect

Whenever my son was born, we noticed he was the chosen child out of 10,000 to be born with this rare defect. When he was born the doctor assured me it was going to be ok but last night I was googling (horrible choice) and seen many bad things about this. I now have a dr appointment for him at 8:30am and plan on bringing this up. Where ACC is rarely seen, I doubt I'll get any feedback but I was wondering if anyone has experienced this?? Being completely honest, I don't know anything about this. Every thing I see is completely different. From my understanding there are different types and this defect can lead to/ be a sign of cancer, mental retardation, spina bidfa, surgeries, etc. I want to tell myself "Don't believe that ***. It's the Internet." But then the other half of me is "What if he dies from this, what if he'll never live a normal life?"

Below are pictures I've attached off google. These are almost identical to my son. The open wound is what it looked like after he was born, the bubble looking picture is what it looks like now for anyone who is curious.


Sorry for the vent but I can't get my mind off this subject.

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I'm sorry you have to go through this. I wish you and your son all the best.

All I can say is, often only the worst stories make it online, and the best case scenarios don't. Speak with a doctor about all your concerns, he will be able to assess the situation best. 

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I’d love to chat more about this. My LO was born with Aplasia Cutis Congenita also. Is there a way we can make a group for this on here?

You can also email me at

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I'm sorry you are going through this. Try the complications board. They may be of more help. Just remember many positive stories are not posted on the internet and many bad ones are. Don't google. Always get second opinions.

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Only one.


Sorry for the months late reply. I was researching again tonight and came across this post

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My son was also born with aplasia cutis congenita.  He is now 4 months old and still has the lesion on his head.  It Is healing, but very slowly.  I’m not sure if any of his issues that he has been having since birth are related to ACC, but I have decided it is worth looking into.  He has had a lot of GI issues and went from the 90th percentile in weight from 9/2017 to 11/2017 to the 10th percentile in weight.  He was also born with a heart murmer that has since gone away.  I decided after googling and researching that I am going to demand that they do more testing on him just to make sure there are no other issues going on.  There is such limited information ACC, and I don’t want to find out too late that my son has a heart condition or more serious GI issue.  He also has a dark hair collar around the lesion.  If you have any information to share I would be so thankful.
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thank you for sharing your story!

That’s great it is only superficial and there are no underlying health concerns.

I’d love to talk more too if you could email me at

I have so many concerns about my LO being teased as they get older.

Would love to know how you handle it and what you say.

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I remember a few posts throughout all of these boards about this and all of them were fine. I don’t remember details but I remember it was the same one because of the images.

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That is awesome, I've searched the boards but have had no luck finding another mom with a child that has ACC. I sure hope Missy (I think that's her name) comes back to comment!

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I’m so sorry for what you’re going through. It would be nice if people would post their positive stories online, but usually they are the ones that move on with their lives, the ones terribly affected are the ones online posting about it. Please stay strong!

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Our 6 month old son too has this spot and our pediatrician referred us to two dermatogists whom confirmed ACC. Waiting on an appointment to talk the next steps and I too looked at doctor google and sent myself in a tizzy today. Hoping it is nothing, but worried for the worst. Worried about serious issues that could be connected, worried about the big bald spot and bullying. Just worried. It’s so rare and information is sparse. Glad to find this post to know I am not alone. 
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I am so sorry you are going through this. The unknown is what makes it so scary. My son is 16 months old and here lately has noticed it is there... no other issues what so ever.nKeeping my fingers crossed for the kiddos and parents
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I am so sorry you are going through this. The unknown is what makes it so scary. My son is 16 months old and here lately has noticed it is there... no other issues what so ever.nKeeping my fingers crossed for the kiddos and parents
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hi! If you’re still on here would love to know how you handled your sons ACC. Did you get it removed?

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My son was also born with this and it looked like an ulcer on his head like the photos you attached. He's 3 months old now. We have an appt with a paediatric plastic surgeon but debating if we will actually get it fixed as have heard it can make it worse. I've not had any luck with doctors or paediatrician to get more information about it. Was just told we won't know if it will affect him till he's older. Have you found out anymore since starting this thread? My son started scratching the lesion when he was 2 months old, so I now have a sticky gauze on it permantly for now to protect it. Wish there was more information available or health professionals who understood it. The lesion gets irritated so easily although now that it's covered it's finally looking a bit better, like it's finally healing. 

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hi, not sure if you’re still active on here but would love to know what you ended up doing? Did you get your son’s removed?

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Hi, OP!

I don't have any advice, I've never had to deal with this.  I just wanted to say I can't imagine what you're going through and I am sure it's terrifying.  Please stop Googling, several years ago I had issues with my breasts producing milk and so I Googled.  By the time I was done with my research I was convinced I had a brain tumor, brain cancer, reproductive cancer, or an ectopic pregnancy.  Those sites are literally the worst.  Turns out, it was a simple overactive gland.

Like PP said, only the horror stories make it on the internet or in the news.  I hope for the best for you and yours, I'm sure it's going to be ok! 

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Keep me posted with the neurosurgeon, please. I'm glad you're getting in with specialists! I hope my son learns to embrace such a small defect but with the questions we get from strangers/family members I can only imagine the kids comments he may get. And here is a hand comparison

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Here was the back of my sons head yesterday. It's not visible due to his hair length

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That's exactly the size of my sons. Wow you really can't see it, that's reassuring. And I hear what you're saying, I get asked often whats wrong with his head. I find it quite rude actually and often I'm taken back by the question. A lot of people see it and don't ask, but there is enough who have asked that have made it very clear how it will be for him. Will keep you posted re: neurosurgeon.  
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So the Neurosurgeon checked my son and he is all fine in regards to not showing other abnormalities. The reason he needs and MRI is to rule out another disease that looks like ACC but actually damages nerve endings in the skin of the scar which can end up being really sensitive and painful. She said if he has the other disease we will just need to monitor it and if it starts to cause him problems then he will need surgery to remove the skin there. Otherwise she said leave it and don't do any corrective surgery to the area as it can make the scar look worse. xx

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