Learn how to make easy peace dove art with kids. This simple but lovely art project is a wonderful kids’ holiday craft, but works all year round as a simple hand-trace art project to manifest peace, kindness, and hopefulness.

This hand-tracing, drawing, and decorating activity starts with a paper peace dove-making process that is easy for kids to make on their own. It doesn’t require printable templates, or any prep other than gathering art and craft supplies to play with.

Press play on the tutorial video below to watch the quick holiday paper peace dove art how-to process…

The short “behind-the-scenes” video above is an idea I’m still playing around with, but one you might want to try this week.

It also gives you a peek at the process I use to mess around with new project ideas. This one is not *quite* ready for prime time, but I love where it’s headed (if you play around with it, send your results my way!).

You can combine your paper peace doves with extra supplies you have lying around as I did at the end of the video, use these with our peace and love cardboard wreath project, or find a way to incorporate it into your own mini peace gardens

To make your own paper peace dove art, you’ll need:


  • Paper or cardstock
  • A pencil or marker
  • Scissors
  • Drawing, coloring supplies, and decorative craft supplies


  • Watercolors
  • Cardboard
  • Ribbon
  • Glue or tape

How to Make Hand Trace Peace Dove Art – DIY Instructions:

Our kids peace dove art project sitting on a white background

Make lovely peace dove art with kids using our simple step-by-step tutorial.

Fold a piece of paper in half.

A photo showing the process of how to make our peace dove kids art project

Fold a piece of construction paper or cardstock in half.

Draw a half circle at the bottom of the paper.

A photo showing the process of how to make our peace dove kids art project

Using the whole bottom half of the paper, draw a half circle that almost goes from edge to edge.

Trace around your fingertips.

A photo showing the process of how to make our peace dove kids art project

Lay your hand in the middle of the half-circle, with your fingertips extending beyond the outside of it.

Using a pencil, pen, or marker, trace around your fingertips.

Draw a small beak at the middle of the rounded end of your half-circle.

Cut out your paper peace doves.

A photo showing the process of how to make our peace dove kids art project

I outlined my pencil lines with a black marker to make it easier for you to see the lines, but it’s not necessary.

Cut out your paper peace doves.

Decorate your peace doves!

A photo showing the process of how to make our peace dove kids art project

Because we folded our paper in half, you’ll get two peace doves, and YOU get to decide what you want to do next!

You can color or draw on features, paste paper or other supplies onto them, use them for one of my suggestions below, or continue along using the same process I did.

Paint your peace dove with watercolors (optional).

A photo showing the process of how to make our peace dove kids art project

I used watercolors to outline my peace dove and add some lines indicating simple features.

You can do the same, use tempera paints or paint sticks, or experiment with using colors other than black.

Combine with other craft supplies and add details.

A photo showing the process of how to make our peace dove kids art project

I put this little peace dove on a bright background decorated with office supply stickers, added a painted-paper-and-stick olive branch, and taped a ribbon to the back so it could hang on the wall.

You can do something similar, or use whatever supplies YOU happen to have around to come up with an eye-catching peace dove composition.

Ten Ways to Decorate and Use Your Peave Dove Art

1. Peace Collages

Kids can glue their paper peace doves onto a larger piece of paper or canvas, creating a background of various colors, textures, or other images that symbolize peace.

2. A Peace Banner

Children can create a series of small paper doves, decorate them with paints, markers, or even collage materials, and then attach them to a long string or ribbon to make a decorative banner. This can be a collaborative project for a classroom or family, with each child creating their own unique dove.

3. Decorate a Peace Tree

Have the children create and decorate paper doves to hang on a “Peace Tree” in the classroom or home. This could be a real tree, a crafted tree, or a tree drawn on a large poster. Each dove could represent a different aspect of peace, like kindness, understanding, or friendship.

4. Peace Messages

Kids can write messages or quotes about peace on their doves and display them on a bulletin board or wall, creating a powerful visual and verbal statement about peace.

5. Peace Dove Mobiles

Have kids create multiple paper doves of different sizes, decorate them with markers, paint, or glitter, and hang them from a stick or hanger to create a mobile. This can be displayed in their room or classroom.

6. A Peace Dove Garland

Children can make a series of paper doves, decorate them, and string them together to form a garland. This can be used to decorate classrooms, homes, or for a peace-themed event.

7. Dove Shadow Boxes

Kids can create a three-dimensional art piece by placing their decorated paper doves in a shadow box frame. They can add other elements like clouds, sun, or olive branches in the background to create a peaceful scene.

8. Stained Glass Peace Doves

Using tissue paper or colored cellophane, kids can create a stained glass effect on their paper doves. When hung against a window, these doves will cast colorful light into the room.

9. Peace Dove Bookmarks

Children can make smaller doves to use as bookmarks. They can also gift these to friends or family members as a symbol of peace and friendship.

10. Peace Dove Gift Tags

Holiday art typically isn’t meant to stick around forever, so a few days before giving gifts, recycle your peace dove art into sweet gift tags.

Our peace dove holiday art sitting on a light violet background

More Holiday Art Projects for Kids

More Holiday Paper Crafts for Kids

Amanda Eldridge
Amanda Eldridge

With a passion for cultivating imagination, Amanda aims to help kids and families discover their creative potential through art, play, adventure, activism, conservancy, and community. Amanda has a background in graphic design, environmental design, and art curation. When not playing with ideas and designs for barley & birch, she enjoys working in freelance design, art, and illustration.

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