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Sports Monster Flag Football

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Sports Monster Flag Football

Sports Monster Flag Football!


Next Season - Spring 2023!


Sports Monster hosts the most popular football leagues in Columbus. Men's and Coed offered.


Paid referees will officiate every game and all the equpment is provided by Sports Monster! Just wear your cleats (no metal) and a uniform color shirt or jersey for your team, we got the rest, including mulitiple skill levels to choose from so you'll find great competition no matter how good (or bad!) you are.


Registration is open for full teams or individuals looking to be placed on a team.  Outdoor leagues will fill up fast so act quickly on your registration to lock up a spot!


Flag Football Leagues Include:

  • 6 to 8 week season - check your league details page
  • Regular season pool play + playoff tournament
  • Game length depends on format and location. Read the LEARN MORE link for each league
  • Paid/trained referees for each game
  • All belts, flags, and game balls provided
  • Custom league champion trophies or t-shirts!
Flag Football
  Mens 5v5 - Rosters up to 12 Players

Spring/Summer 24 Sunday Flag Football @ Antrim Park

  • Locations: Antrim Park
  • • Day: Sunday • Started: 5/5
    Deadline: 5/10
More Info

More Info

*6 or 7 week regular season
*1 or 2 week single elimination playoff
* # of teams for playoffs depends on league size
*2 20 minute halves
*Prizes for winning teams
*Ref fees included in price

Levels of Play:
*Mens 5v5 - Mens 5v5 is set up so 5 men play against 5 other men. 8 Max roster size.

Facility - Antrim Park

Uniforms: Teams are required to have the same colored shirts

Signing up as an individual? Great! Indie teams are formed based on supply and demand and therefore require flexibility for placement. Give us 3 choices of when/where you can play and there is a 95% successful placement rate - or a refund if we cannot. If you are a guy, you need to be flexible for coed or men's. If you are a gal, you need to be flexible for coed. NOTE: YOU MUST list 2nd and 3rd options (if available) in case this first choice doesn't work out. You will be asked for options when you click to register. You can even list an alternate sport if you like - the goal is to get you playing! - but listing an alternate sport or skill level is not a requirement. If you can only play in this program, we recommend that you put a full team together. If you don't list alternate choices, we will place you in the next available same sport/format/skill level and there are no refunds.

5.5, 5.12, 5.19, 6.2, 6.9, 6.16, 6.23

12:00 PM, 1:00 PM, 2:00 PM